106 research outputs found


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    Paper ini menampilkan tulisan mengenai penggunaan e-application untuk membantu pelaksanaan audit mutu internal, yang merupakan salah satu syarat yang harus dipenuhi dalam persyaratan Sistem Penjaminan Mutu ISO 9000. E-application yang digunakan selain sebagai data repository juga digunakan sebagai workflow. Dimana workflow yang dibuat akan memastikan bahwa perbaikan dijalankan sesuai dengan yang telah direncanakan. Sebagai salah satu persyaratan dokumentasi ISO dalam Klausul 4.2.4(p.3 ) bahwa sebuah dokumen harus dapat dilakukan telusur jejak, maka penggunaan e-application ini sangat membantu dalam melakukan telusur jejak. Selain itu, e-application memudahkan auditor dan auditee dalam mengisi hasil audit, dikarenakan dapat diakses dari manapun serta dikarenakan berbasis web, maka dapat dilakukan dari computer mana saja tanpa harus dilakukan instalasi terlebih dahulu. e-application yang dikembangkan ini berfungsi sebagai workflow dan data repository sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai bagian dari monitoring dan data history yang ada akan sangat membantu untuk memperbaiki kinerja unit tersebut terlebih kinerja universitas Bina Nusantara

    Website Quality to Increase Franchise Marketing Performance Excellent

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    According to Indonesia Association of Service Provider (APJII) survey in 2014, the internet user in Indonesia increased up to around 88 million. This number expresses that the use of the internet to seek business franchise information will increase as well. The increase of internet using should be followed by the quality of franchisor's website. The franchisor's website will relate to system quality, information quality and service quality (DeLone and McLean, 2003). This research uses SEM LISREL to see the loading factors of each indicator impact in variables and website quality variables impact to intention to purchase franchise. The result shows that all variables (System quality, Information Quality, and Service Quality) give significant impact to dependent variable Website Quality

    A Study of Factor Affecting the Software Application Development in Indonesian Creative Industry

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    The creative industries promising opportunities, especially the interactive game business. creative industries is still undeveloped, but lately has been showing its contribution to the economic development of Indonesia. Implementation of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) strategy is a new discourse that can provide great opportunities for the entrepreneurial. This study aims to reveal the level of implementation of ICT strategies, the role of government influence on the development of business, industry conditions as well as the existing value chain in the interactive games industry. Type of research conducted by descriptive research, qualitative analysis was based on the findings of desk research / literature, interviewsources, and the researcher's own knowledge. Level of subjectivity can be minimized with the help of quantitative analysis and the selection of competent resource persons in the field interviews. Secondary dataobtained from the creative economy planning books in 2025, which was published by the Ministry of Commerce of the Republic of Indonesia. Based on the research results, it is concluded that the implementation of ICTstrategies by entrepreneurs in the interactive games industry is still less, and this is partly because in general the industry is still small-scale and micro enterprises, mash the industry is relatively new in the world of business,and entrepreneurs are still concentrating the creation, production, and distributio, commercialization are being developed. In general, interactive games industry is growing. In the future, need to research business model and business strategy, so it would complement the models developing strategy in the game interactive industry
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